
Saturday, November 18, 2017

Posters for our Celebration Day

Rooms  1 and 2 have finished making our products to sell on our Celebration Day. They look really amazing and we are very proud of the results. Now we are focusing on making posters to advertise the special day. Please don't forget to come along on 25th November to support us and have a fun filled day.



Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Busy! Busy! Busy! Room 2!






Tread Lightly Caravan

Monday, October 23, 2017


Our KiwiSport focus this term is Get! Set1 Go!. Our coach is Coach Rich. We had our first session on Tuesday. Coach Rich got us to do some warmups first. He said that it was very important for us to stretch our muscles to prepare them for the activities. Then we did some balancing. Finally we got to play some games like Frogs and Flies. We can't wait for our next session.

Duffy Assembly and Duffy Theatre

We had a very exciting last week in Term Three. Not only did we have our Duffy assembly, we also had the Duffy Theatre actors perform a play about Sustainability. Have a look at the photos.





Sunday, September 24, 2017


Patterns are everywhere. We see patterns in numbers, in words, on clothes, on buildings, in the classroom etc. On Friday we created a pattern using our names. We did this on coloured cards. Then we used four white cards to make different patterns. We used geometric shapes, straight lines, squiggly lines and zigzags. Once we completed these, we then had to arrange them to make another pattern. We had lots of fun doing this.





We made patterns with cubes

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Maths Strand - Geometry

In Room 2 we like to be creative and we always think of ways to incorporate art into our other curriculum areas. We have been learning about Translation, Rotation and Reflection. We drew some fish, then cut them out and used them to show these.