
Monday, October 23, 2017


Our KiwiSport focus this term is Get! Set1 Go!. Our coach is Coach Rich. We had our first session on Tuesday. Coach Rich got us to do some warmups first. He said that it was very important for us to stretch our muscles to prepare them for the activities. Then we did some balancing. Finally we got to play some games like Frogs and Flies. We can't wait for our next session.


  1. Hello Room Two! I've just been looking at the wonderful balancing you were doing in your Get, Set, Go photographs! I know that you are having lots of fun in these sessions with Coach Rich, and learning lots and healthy movement. I can't wait to see you all participating in our Athletics Day this term. Keep up the wonderful effort and learning!

  2. We really liked your blog post about making glitter jars! Next time, you could add a video of how to make them. How long did it take you to make the jars?
    From Dalton, Ayana and Amara.
