
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Resilience Show

Kia Toa! Be Brave! Be Resilient!
Bernard Mangakahia came and entertained us with his message to be brave and resilient!  It's all about getting up if you fall down, and trying again.
He sang an interactive song about a boy running a race, falling down, and getting back up over and over again.  We all joined in with actions and words - prompted by students holding up encouraging words .
Bernard gave us examples from his own life of things he has wanted to master, which has meant he had to keep trying even when things were tricky.   Examples were the "Slap" dance and learning how to juggle firesticks. He encouraged us all to find 2 heroes and research them.  Heroes, who have shown courage, or kept going in the face of adversity.  
He talked about 2 of his own heroes who showed resilience.  One was his great-grandma Meri Te Tai Mangakahia of Taitokerau who requested the vote for women from the Kotahitanga Māori Parliament in the 1800's.  She is represented in a statue in Christchurch.
His other hero is his father-in-law who faced multiple challenges including being forced off his farm in Africa and having to start again in Australia, and losing one of his legs in an accident.  Despite this, he managed to climb Kilimanjaro, (carrying a spare prosthetic leg over his shoulder)!
We had a fun time trying Bernard's dances.
  Be Brave, Be Resilient!  If you fall down, get back up and try again! 
Bernard doing his dance of rings.

Seniors helping Bernard hold up the encouraging words.

Bernard doing his Fijian dance.

His heroes.

Waikowhai Primary joining in and having fun.

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